April 25, 2008

6 months old

Yesterday was Jack's 6 month birthday! Unfortunately, we celebrated by getting shots at the doctor Never a fun experience. But I would like to comment on how fortunate I am to have a husband that will go with me everytime and help hold him down during the shots. I am the weak one of the two of us and I always turn around and sing a happy tune in my head. It's so sad to see them stick needles in his chubby little legs and see him go to an immediate "mad" cry while his face turns bright red.

His new stats are:
Weight - 17 lbs. 10 oz. - 50%
Height - 27 3/4" - 90%

I couldn't believe that he was in the 90% of his height. My chubby son is slimming up!

We didn't take any great 6 month old pics yesterday (I know - that's unlike us) so I'm hoping to get some today. Here are some we took the day before that are pretty cute....


khovater said...

I have been wondering about you guys!!! Looks like everything is going well. Jack is so very cute. Hope to see you guys soon!

Lindy said...

April, He is sooo cute! I can see a lot of you in him, especially his cute little nose! He looks like a healthy little man, happy 6 months Jack! love, Lindy